Relationships and Health Education consultation
Dear parents/carers,
Following guidance from the DFE, we are required to incorporate RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) into our curriculum from the Summer term 2021. All schools are required to comply.
At Gatcombe Park Primary school, we will be offering a Relationships Education in line with statutory guidance. As a result of the guidance, we have reviewed our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) curriculum and policy to ensure that it complies with guidance and is appropriate for the children at our school.
As a school we have already agreed to continue to teach the elements of Sex Education outlined in the Primary Science curriculum, separate from PSHE.
PHSE is at the core of our teaching and learning and enables our children to become independent, confident, resilient and healthy young people. Our PSHE curriculum is about the social, emotional and cultural development of our children. The aim of our ‘Relationships Education’ is to equip children with the information they need to prepare for adult life. The children will leave Gatcombe knowing the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. They will develop the skills to not only form relationships but to think about relationships with others and recognise when these relationships are positive.
Links to key documents:
Relationships and Health Education Policy
Parents Guide to Relationships and Health Education