For information on Portsmouth's 'Miss School Miss Out' campaign, click below.
Your child needs to attend school every day to ensure they have every opportunity to learn as much as other children. If children are absent they fall behind their friends.
If your child has 90% attendance you may think that looks ok...BUT this is equivalent of:
If your child is 5 minutes late every day this may not look too bad BUT this is the equivalent in one school year of your child missing 3 whole days! I am sure you will agree that this cannot be acceptable! If your child’s attendance falls below 90% it is unlikely that any absences will be authorised. Encouraging 100% attendance continues to be a priority for the school. We are continuously looking for ideas to attain this target.
There are a number of awards and certificates in place to encourage and celebrate attendance. We always try to work with families who are having difficulties and ask that you come and speak to us in order for us to work together to help improve attendance.
Sickness or lateness should be notified to the school by note or by phone. Such information is important as it ensures we can carry out our responsibilities to the children in our care. We need to know why they are not at school. We request evidence of appointments, such as an appointment card of prescription. If we do not receive notification of your child's absence we will telephone in order to carry out our responsibilities.
Children will only be allowed to leave school during school hours to visit the doctor or dentist if they are accompanied by a parent and it would be appreciated if the school could be notified beforehand of such an appointment. As a safety measure we do ask parents to sign their child out and back in again on return (if it is the same day).