The school became an Academy on February 1st 2015 and was the first school in the newly created Ridings Partnership. The Ridings Partnership is part of the the Hamwic Education Trust.
Hamwic Education Trust Ethos
Hamwic Education Trust celebrates the uniqueness of pupils, staff and schools, and aims for everyone to achieve their full potential through the pathways of opportunities available.
It aims to achieve this by:
Our ethos:
Our aspirations:
The aim of the Hamwic Education Trust is to establish self-improving school systems by creating local communities of schools where Head Teachers take a collective responsibility for student outcomes.
To find out more about the Hamwic Education Trust, please follow this link:
For information about Hamwic Education Trust governance please follow the link
The contact address for the Hamwic Education Trust head office is:
Hamwic Education Trust
Unit E, The Mill Yard
Nursling Street
SO16 0AJ
Telephone: 023 8078 6833
Hamwic Education Trust Chief Executive Officer: Robert Farmer
Chair of Board of MAT: Gary Plummer,
MAT website:
A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10749662