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Gatcombe ParkPrimary School

Teamwork / Respect / Aim High

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Welcome to

Gatcombe Park Primary School

Teamwork - Respect - Aim High


Welcome to Goldfinch Class!


Miss Widdett, Mrs Jones and Mrs Harris


Welcome to Goldfinch class!

Key information for our class is below.

For full information about the whole curriculum for Year 3, please visit the link to the curriculum page below. There is a whole curriculum overview which gives you the headlines for each subject for the whole year.





  • PE - Monday and Wednesday (Please come to school in PE kit - black/grey joggers/leggings or cycling shorts/shorts if the weather is warm, trainers.  TOP HALF AS NORMAL FOR SCHOOL UNIFORM - polo shirt and school sweatshirt/cardigan.


  • Home learning : 
  • Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week and get your reading logs signed by an adult. Bring it in on a Friday.
  • Maths: TTRockstars.
  • Spelling Shed: Spelling Shed practice at least 3 times a week. 


  • What to bring to school each day - Lunch box (unless your child is having a school packed lunch) and water bottle.
  • Home learning pack (reading book, reading log, spelling booklet)
  • Library day - every Monday. 



Thank you for reading...if you have any queries, please contact the school office

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