Gatcombe Crew
Gatcombe Crew is the before and after school club at Gatcombe Park Primary School.
Our opening hours are:
Morning session: 7:45 am - 8:45 am
Afternoon session: 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm
We provide a before and after school snack for children attending the club as well as making sure their are a variety of fun and creative activities for them to enjoy.
The club is staffed by school staff and the club leader is Mrs Dickens. The Gatcombe Crew telephone number is 07756856450 and can be used if parents need to contact directly in case of an emergency.
Parents should complete a monthly booking form with payment in advance via our online payment system. We require 24 hours notice of any amendments to bookings.
Morning session: £3.50
Afternoon session: £7.50
For booking forms please contact the school office.